Please consider helping the LifeTides Institute as a volunteer,  a donor or by simply sharing our vision as we work to support the Lowcountry region.

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Education is key to stronger communities, a stronger economy and a healthier environment.  Young people develop stronger minds when they spend time outdoors and are regularly exposed to their surroundings. The Low Country is a magnificent outdoor classroom for learning.

Please help us by sharing our vision for education→


Please help us by donating to our capital campaign to acquire important habitat in the Low Country and to support our local educational programming.

The LifeTides Institute is a public charity registered with the Internal Revenue Service of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, and with the State of South Carolina. If you wish to write a check, our business address is:

LifeTides Institute, 461 Broad River Road,  

Ridgeland, SC 29936

For Electronic donations, we rely upon PayPal:

Make a Donation to LifeTides→

